RESET Coaching

Helps vocationally frustrated + curious leaders design an inspiring work Reset

Reset work helps the vocationally restless, weary and stalled to step out of their ruts into a new season of traction

When you get clarity on relevant and powerful work choices, you can clear obstacles and start getting where you want to go… not someday, but today! 

  • The Reset design process is based on a proven model. It is informed by your unique story, innate gifts, and distinct personality. 

  • When you reconnect with your deepest longings for meaning and purpose, a roadmap for change will inspire you with vision for what can be!

  • Crafting your unique landscape for making that change happen will equip you with the confidence to act. 

  • Reset coaching is different than other career and leadership coaching, because it leads you on a journey of guided mastery to infuse conviction, confidence and belief in your next steps towards change. 

  • It helps you to stop doom-scrolling job boards or putting off aligned leadership change within your business and organization and instead guides you directly to those work expressions that meet and match you and your unique gifts.    

    Reset for Leaders

The Reset design process offers a robust partnership with business owners and teams who want to develop new offerings or grow in their leadership abilities so they can better represent who they are in their work.

Reset work partners with leaders who have forged a business or nonprofit and are seeking to let it serve their lives and the lives of others. The design process connects to both personal and professional layers of purpose to get you unstuck and inspired for the work ahead.

 How do you know if you’re ready for a Reset?

We’ve all been there before marching through our work with a sense of duty, while keenly aware that we were designed for more.

How will you create the needed growth in your work story when all you can see is the wall before you?

  • Have you allowed the risk of change to overshadow the will to embark on the journey?

  • Do you question how you could create such an important shift in your own work and calling alone?

  • Do you have doubts or concerns that you won’t be able to instill the confidence to begin a change in your career and business?

  • Are you lacking the courage to start or to stay the course?

  • Would you like to emerge on the other side of your vocational journey living out a true expression of yourself in your work?

Reset coaching sets you on your journey with an inspiring road map and helps you find your way. As the guide back to you and your most meaningful work, a Reset engagement serves as the partner you need on this vital course.

Stephanie Elise Hewitt, Founder The Reset Consortium/Chelsea Prestin Photography

Stephanie Elise Hewitt, Founder The Reset Consortium/Chelsea Prestin Photography

Good, meaningful work is as an expression of our unique gifting and calling and a direct representation of who we are in the world and why we’re here. Work is a conduit of meaning and paying attention to not only what we do but how we get it done opens the door to joy, fulfillment and powerful impact. It’s a unique place where we can create our imprint for the greater good. These places of legacy outlive us if done with intention and passion. It’s in this way that work, your unique work, can give voice to your astonishment.

It’s a sacred summons. Is it calling you?

How you live out your unique gifts and abilities in the work you do can have remarkable effects on you, your family and the world around you!

Are you ready to design your Reset?